Yes! Finally working on this Sherlock Holmes project of mine! I’ve read about him, I’ve talked about him, I’ve written about it so much that…
Poker Face
THE AMERICAN POP MUSIC STAR WHO REACHED US THAT DAY was bored of wearing these same common masks day after day and was looking for…
The Music Star, the Child and the Lion
ONCE UPON A TIME there was an American pop music star who had the most divine voice one could imagine! One day during one of…
La Star, l’Enfant et le Lion
IL ETAIT UNE FOIS UNE IMMENSE CHANTEUSE AMERICAINE, star de la pop et l’une des plus jolies voix qui se puisse trouver. Dédier sa vie…
Night at the Museum
It could be Ben Stiller new comedy but it’s way more than that! Yesterday, we installed the leather sculpture we imagined and created with Kongo…